Compensation Of College Athletes Is Inevitable And Will Likely Expose Some Universities' Questionable Accounting Practices
Students’ interest in having more control of their study time is also mentioned as one of the primary benefits of DE (Alahmari, 2017; Lei & Gupta, 2010). Regarding the reasons for not enrolling in DE courses, participants from the three countries mentioned difficulty contacting instructors and peers. Also, more than half of the students in Portugal and the UAE indicated they preferred face-to-face classes. Most students have spent their entire academic lives in traditional classes where interaction and immediate feedback from instructors and peers are more common. In recent years unaccredited for-profit higher education institutions have specialized in enrolling foreign students and have been called sham schools. Various schemes have been implemented to curb the proliferation of diploma mills, and a number of states have passed bills that make it illegal for an organization to confer degrees without accreditation. In the Netherlands it is illegal for non-accredited, non-recogni...